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2017-08-21 BOS min Final
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Aug. 21, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – regular meeting

Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian.

7:30 PM   The chairman opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes of Aug. 7 with edits submitted by Richy. The board held a moment of silence for victims of the terrorist activity at Charlottesville.
        The candidate chosen for the assistant treasurer-collector, Amy Drumm of Paxton, was in to meet selectmen and the group briefly discussed her background and experience. The board voted all in favor to appoint Amy Drumm to the position and to start Sept. 11.
        Christopher McDermott public affairs specialist was in from the North Central Mass. Chamber of Commerce to introduce himself and will focus on legislative issues affecting municipalities in the region.
        An independent film, “Katie Fforde: Family on Vacation,” is being produced by a German company that requested permission to shoot some scenes on Fitchburg Road and Wachusett Mtn. in Princeton. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the request subject to any condition from police or fire departments.
        It was noted that the Cultural Council allows an unlimited number of members. Selectmen then voted all in favor to appoint Mr. Ron Curry for a term expiring June 30, 2018, Ms. Marsha Dowdy for a term expiring June 30, 2019, and Ms. Carla Royak for a term expiring June 30, 2020.
        Brian Allen from PMLD submitted a report showing that new LED lighting is saving energy on street lighting.
        A letter from Phil Connors was reviewed which outlined steps to take to mothball the P.C. building and selectmen noted a message from June Davenport questioning the sudden closing of the building when monies had been appropriated for fire upgrades. A reply will be sent to June D. explaining the situation. Richy has abstained from  this discussion on P.C. since he wasn’t present when the decision  for the fire upgrade funding article at ATM was made.
7:45 PM  Members of the Advisory Cmte. Review Committee were in to discuss their charge, including Joe O’Brien, Terry Hart, Bob Sauer, David Cruise and Ann Littlefield—all past Select Board or Adv. Cmte. members. Nina was not prepared to discuss the charge in a public forum and suggested the selectmen review it first. There was some discussion about the current and future role of the committee and pros and cons of the A.C. taking on a larger role in financial and capital planning--and whether they create the budget or just comment on the budget.
        Edith pointed out that the BOS has lacked direction and has failed to work as a team to fulfill its own goals. The board held five goal-setting sessions last year, she said, that resulted in little progress. Regarding one possible reason for “little progress,” Jon F. listed a number of financial demands that impede progress.
        Backup information: The Advisory Committee is created by a state mandate, but Princeton approved a local bylaw which narrowed the focus of the A.C. to only review annual budget articles. As the A.C. is appointed by BOS, it lacks independence. Edith advised aiming at a balance of A.C. members, and not solely financial experts, for a more diverse group. There was discussion on historic roles of Advisory Committees. Nina suggested continuing the conversation among the selectmen and referring to the state’s Dept. of Local Services regarding the A.C. role. The Princeton A.C. is appointed by BOS, but according to Jon a majority of communities have the moderator alone appoint the A.C. Nina also spoke in support of maintaining a more centralized local government, which is lost if the entire budget shifts to the A.C. Some supported the idea of the A.C. expanding its scope. Edith thanked all members for volunteering. At their next meeting, the ACRC was advised to elect a chair and a clerk.
        The group moved on to STM warrant articles. The fire chief has withdrawn a request for a new tanker truck as the A.C. would not recommend the article, suggesting that it belongs on the chief’s planned vehicle replacement cycle that is voted at ATM. Selectmen voted all in favor to remove the article from the warrant. The remaining article on the STM warrant is for land takings in E. Princeton for the Route 140 roadway upgrade and bridge repair project. Parcels to be taken permanently should not exceed 35. Selectmen voted all in favor to sign the STM warrant—subject to any minor changes by town counsel--and post it by Thursday. The group stressed the importance of voters turning out on Sept. 7 as 2/3 approval is required. The article and explanation is available online in “Town News.” The Road Adv. Cmte. (R.A.C.) will present the article and discuss the project at STM. Selectmen voted all in favor to recommend Art. 1 at the STM.
        The A.C. meets on Sept. 5 for their public hearing at 6:30 PM on the warrant article. Selectmen meet Tuesday Sept. 5 at 5:30 PM for a brief agenda.
        Group discussed mothballing P.C. building according to suggestions from Phil Connors and Nina noted that the P.C. Revolving Fund has about $40,000. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to move forward on the mothballing as outlined earlier in the meeting.   Jon F. reported on the franchise communications with Charter Cable as he visited their office recently with Nina. He said residents can start with either 60 or 100 Mb/sec. and be able to subscribe to the business package for more services.  The firm will light up the whole town at same time, not piecemeal. Pole license activities with Verizon should be complete in the fall. The Cable Adv. Cmte. is no longer involved, as BOS is the town’s cable authority going forward with Jon as liaison, who is working with Nina and Attorney Bill August on the contract, which is hoped to be signed very soon.
        Facilities Steering Cmte. had a walk-through today and mandatory RFQ meeting at 11 AM. They meet at 7 PM tomorrow. Proposals are due Sept. 18.
        Sen. Harriet Chandler requested written testimony to the Joint Committee on Education in support of her bill, S. 217, “A Resolve establishing a commission on regional school district foundation budgets.” The purpose of this commission is to comprehensively review the way that Regional School districts are funded. After discussion, selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Richy (who volunteered) as their liaison to the Foundation Budget Review Commission.
        The topic of “Improving communication with residents” was moved to the BOS Goal-setting agenda. After a request for the Phil Connors “mothball” memo from Phil Gransewicz, Nina gave him a copy and agreed to post it on the website.
        Nina reported on a Parks & Rec scarecrow project to be displayed on the Town Common. Details of a lease for COA at Post Office Place have been worked out with town counsel, and the property manager has agreed to most terms already. An invitation for bids has been put out for a single axel dump truck, and Sept. 1 is due date.
        Bagg Hall chimney repair starts Sept. 5 and driveway may be blocked for about two weeks. Also, Phil C. has been working on plywood inserts for 2nd floor windows getting replaced.
        Richy asked about Calamint Hill road paving project, as being planned by Highway Dept. with recommendations from R.A.C.  A public hearing will be scheduled for it. There was some discussion about public comment on the Route 140 in E. Princeton project.

10 PM   Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.       Exemption Three – To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigating position if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the governmental body – Request for leave of absence – police officer.  In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


10:15  PM  Selectmen adjourned from executive and regular session

Respectfully submitted, Terri Longtine, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Amy L. Drumm Resume materials, memo calling for volunteers for the Adv. Cmte. Review Cmte, memo from A.C. regarding fire truck article, articles on warrant for STM, “mothballing P.C.” memo, letter from location manager on German film crew, letter from PMLD Manager Brian Allen, letter from June Davenport

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department